Sunday, June 29, 2014

Facials & Skin Care

All About FACIALS  

Let us pray...Now I lay me down to sleep during my facial, I pray the Lord my shape to keep. Please no wrinkles. Please no bags. Please lift my butt before it sags. Amen. 

Let's be real with ourselves and face it.
So since we got that cruel reality out of the way, let's discuss facials.  

A facial is a skin treatment procedure involving a variety of skin care steps including: steam, exfoliation, extraction, creams, lotions, facial masks, peels, and massageFacials are used for general skin health as well as for specific skin conditions.  

What does a good facial entail?  Just below the surface of dry, dead layers of skin cells lies a fresher, younger-looking face.  A great facial is a therapeutic, skin health treatment that addresses your unique skin health concerns.  

How Often Should You Really Get Facials? Regular facials are one of the building blocks of healthy skin, but can you have too much of a good thing?  Regular facials increase the youthfulness of your skin. A facial once a month is ideal because the products that are used are penetrated into the top layer of the skin from the steam. Massage techniques on the face also help tighten and tone the skin as well.

I need a really good facial.  Not a frou-frou facial.  Where do I go?

If you want an awesome piece of steak, you go to a steak house.  In general, you go where there's quality and specialty.  With that being said, a skin care specialty office offers in-office solutions and prevention methods. The primary focus is on making skin healthy while treating the main problems and not merely focus on symptoms of poor skin health or other disorders as pigmentation, fine lines, acne, rosacea, wrinkles and even sagging.  Licensed aesthetic specialists can address these skincare concerns for the clients quite often without resorting first to medical procedures with the right skincare regimen. 

Organic Spa Houston is where dermatology meets cosmetics facial treatment methods. 
  Exclusive personalized facial treatments are highly recommended for most skin types, great for both young (acne treatment) and mature (anti-aging treatment) skins, or even if you just want to look fairer (skin whitening treatment) using the purest certified organic  ingredients for the best skin rejuvenation.

At our skin care specialty salon (Organic Spa Houston) features fine quality skin care  products, and exclusive rejuvenating treatments inspired by Asian, Middle Eastern, and European traditions.  From moderate to deep skin restoration, our Signature Facial Therapies will lift your skin to a new level of health.  Skin has many faces and as every skin requires individual customized care depending on the skin condition, skin type and its specific needs.  Skincare is our forte.  We offer facial treatment methods with dermatologically developed skincare products.    Individually-tailored concepts in the areas of pre-aging and anti-aging as well as proven effective solutions for a range of skin problems, such as impure skin, can be excellently treated.  In preparation for healthy, glowing skin, we start deep to target all your problems areas and end with shiny, new, plump skin.  Skin care treatments for every skin type range from a few months (skin resurfacing treatments such as skin exfoliation & peels, microdermabrasion, light therapy) to the day before special occasion (such as deep cleansing, aromatherapy). 

Facials & Skin peels featuring all natural ingredients, such as Aloe Vera, Papaya, Green Tea and Vitamin C effectively treat wrinkles, blemishes and uneven skin pigmentation.  The wide variety of Herbs, Botanicals, Plants, Fruits Peels can take you from organic peeling to clinical grade peels that will transform the look and feel of your skin to a whole new level of healthy skin.   

SKINCARE PRODUCTS -  Why you should invest in Cosmeceutical 
(cosmetic-pharmaceutical strength) 

Intrinsic aging (internal cell aging) and extrinsic aging (external skin aging due to environmental abuse such as over-sun exposure) overtime causes our skin to appear tired, pale, uneven, blemished, dehydrated, and sensitive.  Many people don't understand that their skin feels sensitive because they are using products that their skin cannot tolerate well. Most skin care, particularly Over-the-counter products, don't address the problems of the skin at the cellular level. You need to promote cellular function to restore a strong, hydrated healthy skin. 
 The products we uses are organic skin care ingredients combined with medical effectiveness to achieve maximum clinically-proven results. 

With a heavy following in the natural, organic and “green” sector, it’s no surprise that more women are taking a back-to-basics approach when it comes to beauty. These days, we are so focused on living clean, so why should the products we use be any different? This simplistic take need not be segmented exclusively to all-natural or purely organic products. It’s more about products that deliver results sans fillers, preservatives and harsh, irritating ingredients. The key to great skin is in the skin-care products—all organic or containing a high concentration of natural ingredients.  Certified natural cosmetics skincare lines are based on natural ingredients from all over the world- and traditional known how gained throughout the centuries with regard to beauty.  


Skin Health and Diet Correlation

Did you know that in skin, inflammation manifests as acne, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea. Many experts see a dietary connection. A compounds in the blood called C-reactive proteins are at high levels when inflammation is present. Saturated fats, salts, refined sugars and high-glycemic carbohydrates like those made with white flour are foods that set of C-reactive proteins. A good starting point for treatment is diet. Healthy eating that includes lots of fruits and vegetables can help reduce inflammation keeping your body and skin healthy & happy.

7 Common Skin Conditions 
Is your skin itchy, inflamed or broken out? Whether common or rare, a skin condition can affect your life. Because your skin is the largest organ of your body and it’s exposed for the world to see, its appearance and condition can often take a toll on your self-esteem. Many common skin disorders aren't typically curable, but can be managed and soothed using these top products that are specially designed to ease your skin woes. 
According to the National Eczema Foundation, the word “eczema” is derived from a Greek word that means, “to boil over.” Also called atopic dermatitis, the skin condition causes red, inflamed, itchy patches, and discomfort. Eczema can range from mild to severe, and typically affects the insides of the elbows, backs of the knees and areas of the face, but can occur on many other places of the body.
Certain trigger factors that can worsen the condition include dry skin, irritants and allergens in your environment, emotional stress and heat.
Adult Acne
As the most common skin condition in the U.S., acne affects nearly 40 to 50 million Americans at any one time. No longer just a problem for teenagers, the American Academy of Dermatology reports a growing number of adults, particularly women, are getting acne in their 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond due to hormonal changes.
Look for topical treatments that include benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid—two blemish-fighting ingredients that will help kill bacteria and reduce oil—but don’t expect to see clear skin overnight. Many at-home treatments require 4 to 8 weeks to notice significant improvement.
Once your acne begins to clear, continue using the products in order to prevent future breakouts, and try to avoid sun exposure, as well as touching your face with anything that may spread bacteria (especially your hands!). 
Rosacea not only causes the look of rosy cheeks—many people suffer with common symptoms of burning, itching and stinging, not to mention acne-like effects that can take a toll on a person’s confidence. 
Unfortunately, the cause of this common condition remains unknown and there is still no cure, but there are ways to soothe the pain and anxiety. For relief, keep aware of triggers that can cause a flare-up or worsen an existing one, including sun exposure, emotional stress, severe hot or cold weather, wind, alcohol, spicy foods, heavy exercise and hot baths.
“The best way to deal with redness is to prevent it,” says Dr. Vermen Verallo-Rowell, dermatologist and founder of VMV Hypoallergenics. "Prevention is important in all health concerns, but when it comes to rosacea and hyperreactive skin, it is vital. I suggest adopting a 'non-inflammatory' mantra which includes sleeping 7-8 hours each night, improving your diet by avoiding as many processed foods as possible, and choosing very gentle skin-care products."
Keratosis Pilaris
Whether it’s called “KP,” “chicken skin,” “follicular keratosis” or it’s traditional name, keratosis pilaris is not fun. More often a battle for those with very dry skin, KP refers to a skin condition of small, slightly pink or skin-colored bumps that look like goose bumps or acne and have arough, sandpaper-like texture. Although they typically appear on the backs of the upper arms and thighs, they are also known to occur on the buttocks and lower part of the legs, as well as other areas.
According to Audrey Kunin, MD, president of Dermadoctor Inc., KP affects an estimated 40 percent of the adult population and nearly 50 to 80 percent of all adolescents worldwide. “It occurs when the body produces excess keratin, a natural protein in the skin,” says Dr. Kunin. “The keratin surrounds and entraps hair follicles in the pore, causing the formation of what we call ‘hard plugs,’ which are unfortunately often quite noticeable on the skin.”
Treatment can be frustrating because it is difficult to make the bumps go away entirely—they almost always come back, especially in cold temperatures when the skin is dry. 
Resist picking as it can lead to scarring, and in the end that may leave you worse off than the bumps themselves.
Dandruff affects millions of people and can be triggered by stress, hormonal changes or genetics. “Seborrheic dermatitis, otherwise known as dandruff, is a skin condition that is clumpy and oily and causes white-to-yellow greasy scales to form on the scalp,” says Sandy St. John, regional educator for Phyto Hair Care. “Many people don’t realize that you don’t need to treat dandruff 365 days a year—it should only be treated when you have a flare up.” A lot of people living with dandruff are embarrassed about their condition, especially if it causes excessive itching or flaking that is noticeable in public environments such as work. For people with dandruff, their skin cells may mature and shed within 2-7 days, as opposed to the 30-day shedding cycle of those without dandruff. Affecting almost half of the adult population, dandruff is recurring and can fluctuate in severity as the seasons change, often worsening in the winter and improving during the summer.
Dandruff shampoos don’t all share the same formula, so look for those with key anti-flake ingredients such as zinc pyrithione, tar, salicylic acid, selenium sulfide and ketoconazole. Swap your normal shampoo with one of our top picks and see if you notice a difference.
Psoriasis, a chronic skin condition that causes new skin cells to form in days rather than weeks, affects approximately 7.5 million people in the U.S. "This premature cell formation occurs because the body’s immune system sends faulty signals to the skin, telling the cells to grow too quickly," says Coral Gables, FL, dermatologist Janelle Vega, MD. "As a result, the body doesn’t shed these excess cells at an appropriate rate, causing them to pile up on the skin’s surface in raised, reddish patches. We dermatologists refer to these itchy patches as 'plaque,' and they can appear anywhere on the skin, but most tend to develop on the knees, elbows, lower back and scalp."
Scientists are still determining what happens inside the body to cause psoriasis, but they do know that many people who suffer from the condition usually have a family member with it as well. Because there are various forms of psoriasis, and the disorder can show up on parts of the body with different skin types, the method of required treatment may vary. 
Razor Burn
When it comes to shaving, women want smooth, hairless skin, but without the dreaded razor burn it often comes with. We’ve all had it one time or another—a horrible, irritating rash that not only ruins a good shave, but also looks bad. And in more severe cases, it’s not just burn we have to deal with, but bumps too. Razor bumps are created by ingrown hairs and look like pimples or raised red welts. A common problem, razor burn and bumps are more likely to occur on many of the sensitive places women shave, including the bikini area and underarms.
To help her patients prevent this unpleasant skin condition, Smithtown, NY, dermatologistMarina Peredo, MD, recommends exfoliating the area before shaving and changing the blade on the razor after five to seven shaves to minimize chance of irritation. “I also suggest shaving in the direction that the hair is growing and to rinse the area with cold water post-shave to help close up pores and help reduce the probability of forming ingrown hairs or folliculitis,” says Dr. Peredo.
If all else fails, and once again you find yourself irritated and self-conscious due to your post-shave situation, look to a topical treatment that contains anti-inflammatory and calming ingredients to ease your discomfort, as well as the red mess. 
Fresh Face:  Have you ever heard of face mapping? If not, it’s pretty much the key to unlocking the mysteries behind problematic skin. Thanks to the combined knowledge of dermatologists who have analyzed skin behaviors and ancient Chinese medicinal methods there is a smarter way to interpret and treat skin imperfections by way of “face mapping.” Face mapping is a type of skin analysis that explains why and how certain areas of your face are connected to other parts of your body.

Why do you break out in some areas and not others? 

Think of your blemishes as X’s on a map that is your face. Different zones correspond to different problems. With this “map” as your guide, you can address the underlying causes of blemishes and correctly determine how to prevent them from recurring. (Don't you wish you know about this in middle school?)

So, what are your breakouts telling you?  
Why does your skin breakout in some areas and not in others? Understand the mysteries of problematic skin and get down to the nitty gritty with this face mapping. Here is an overview of the basic areas and what breakouts or abnormalities in those areas mean:

Kylee N. is a certified Licensed Aesthetician & owner of Organic Spa Houston

p) 832-589-6221     e)      w)

 5201 Memorial Drive {Penthouse Suite} Houston, Texas 77007

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